Flywell Enterprises >> Sport Medicine, Physiotherapists, Revalidation Medicine, Gait Labs

Sport Medicine, Physiotherapists, Revalidation Medicine, Gait Labs

The footscan® equipment gives the ideal solution to have information for each ¼ of a cm" of the footcontact and to have movement information at 500Hz for all possible movements: from child to adult, single step to multistep, at walking or running speed, jumps, rotation movements, …

Years of research have shown that no measurement device on itself, can give a total perception into gait analysis. Neither only the footscan® system, nor only high-frequency infra-red cameras, nor only a force plate can give you a total 3D picture of the gait-pattern of your patient. The patient and clinician all have interest in integrating these measurements devices in one network, because a network gives you the possibility to registrate a total picture of your patient.